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Making cultural heritage accessible for everyone through graphics and 3D printing


Nicola Papazafiropulos and Maria Cristina Marchetti, Polo Scientifico Tecnico Professionale “E.Fermi- G. Giorgi”, Lucca, Italy
Claudio Loconsole and Camilla Tanca, TeCIP Institute, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy
Rosario Esposito Ferrara, 3D Academy, Pisa, Italy


This paper reports the results of a three-month project run in a high school in Lucca, an Italian city nicknamed “the town of a hundred churches”. This name is due to a rich heritage of religious architecture enclosed within the Renaissance walls, still intact today.
65 students were introduced to modern digital technologies (especially 3D graphics and rapid prototyping techniques) and to the principles of the universal design in order to improve the accessibility of the Cultural Heritage of the city.
The overall experience has been positive and lead the students to realize 3D models of city’s cultural heritage examples. Such models could be printed and used as assistive tactile devices.

Video presentazione


3D models, 3D printing, accessibility, Cultural Heritage, education, inclusive education.

Track FabLearn Italy 2020

Tecnologie a supporto dell’apprendimento e dell’inclusione